It happened, just how He said it would. He was arrested, tried and falsely convicted. They saw Him beaten, forced to carry a cross and nailed to the cross. They saw Him raised up, mocked and forsaken by God. He took the sin of the world on Himself and died. Jesus is dead. They carried Him to a borrowed tomb and watched as the Romans rolled a stone to seal them out, posting guards by the door. There's confusion and chaos everywhere. It seems that no one knows what to do. So they go back to the last place, the last place they met and they pray. They pray for wisdom, for peace, for understanding but mostly they pray for their Rabbi whom they had followed giving up everything. They followed Him homeless, hungry and in doubt, but He always had a plan and their needs were always met. Already they miss His teaching and His way of pulling things together. Judas is hanging from a tree, Peter is in disbelief that he actually denied His Lord and thinks He's doomed. The only thing "good" about today was that the prophecies had been fulfilled. There was no doubt in the mind of these 11 radicals that Jesus was the Messiah. They had witnessed history be changed forever. History was no longer customs and traditions, it was now His story and they were going to change the world.
It's not over...

It's not over...
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